Hi y'all swag !!!!!! So I don't really know how normal is it to write journal and stuff on your own website, but well, it's my website so I guess I'm gonna do it anyways.Though I wonder who is this website for anyways? It obviously isn't to showcase my work all portfolio-like. But it's fun I think, but then i wonder further if that's enough to justify keeping this domain up. Well, for now i do not know but I'll continue updating it until, something.
This is more of a test of the writing format then an actual writing so i don't really know what to say or talk about right now so ummmm, do we know each other? If we do then ignore this. If not I would like to know where you came from. On Twitter direct message might be good, open with the word 'gormless' so I know you're from here and not a bot (there are so many of those these days).
Today is the twenty-third of May and I set the deadline of this website to twenty-sixth. Not that the website will be done by then but I will stop working on it as main focus and do something else, right now I'm thinking of a visual novel with renpy. What do you think? I think it's good, if everything goes right the first annoucement article you will see is the article announcing the game. But I think too much ahead, with seven abandoned games behind me, I doubt it will bear any fruit. But whatever, wouldn't hurt to try againgh. Also my birthday is in second of June so for the next article you will be talking to 21 years old me. Oh, did I ever tell you I'm 20 years old? that's like half dead already basically.
I think I'll halt working on this site for a while, Only a handful of people will see these anyways let alone care about it. So I'll be working on something else, a website's only as useful as the person keeping it up.